Porno Pop Magazines PPM

Porno Pop Magazines PPM
To explain these early series it is necessary to deal with the history of porn legislation in Denmark. Porn was illegal and under the jurisdiction of the Pennal Code § 234. In June 1967 written porn was legalised, on 1st July 1969 image porn whatsoever was legalised. All magazines had to be covered from that date. That's what also Theanders did, mostly from August 1969 on. Thus they created the so-called neutral covers or dust jackets.
They started with all new or reprinted issues: Color Climax and the Full Color series. There were also separate series, e.g. Color Mix. One of those series was the Porno-Pop-Magazine. Issues of the Full Color Series were wrapped by a crude paperboard, whereas Color Mix was not.
First only text was used on these covers, later drawings. The first drawing were plain ones, the later professional ones.
The PPM series had all crude paperboards used for the very first jackets.